Ik ben Stella Levinson

Sarah de Vries Coaching

Sarah de Vries

Relationship and Sexuality Coach

I’m Sarah de Vries, a Dutch/Belgian relationship and sexuality coach based in the Netherlands, fluent in Dutch and English, working with people world wide.

I’m a certified
Erotic Blueprint™ Coach. You may have seen the Blueprints featured on Sex, Love and Goop on Netflix.

The Blueprints are like the ‘love languages’ (if you’ve heard of those), only for touch and Eros (by Eros I mean sexuality/sensuality/kink in a broad sense). The idea behind them is that everyone has their own unique ‘gateway’ to turn-on.

But we have a really hard time communicating about it because our culture has few words for the subtleties of touch and atmosphere. The Blueprints give words and concrete form to those very things.

Not only that, but...

...it looks like everyone has a couple of things in that Blueprinted language of touch and more, that are essential to them.

If those essential things are skipped or missing too often, frustration and negative feelings build up and your relationship suffers. And you have no idea why, because we have no words for this.

The Blueprints give you language and clarity and better (and easier!) ways to communicate and connect with your partner.

My clients tell me I’m a non-judgmental listener and truth-talking, compassionate coach. They also tell me they often get results that exceed what they thought was possible. I work with several different tools and modalities, but what they all have in common is that they are gentle and effective, often giving results very fast but always respectful of your tempo and feelings.

I work with singles and with people in relationships. I work with people in monogamous and in consensually non-monogamous relationships. I am kink-friendly, poly-friendly and trauma-informed.

If you could use support with any of these topics, message me through the contact form below for a complimentary 20 minute conversation to learn more or to find out if we would be a good fit to work together. (Don’t forget to greenlist SarahdeVries.nl in your email as soon as you hit send!) I look forward to connecting with you.

Could you use  support with these issues in your life or your relationship?

Talk to me. Shoot me a message. If you know you are interested in getting support, I will probably offer you a time to talk free of charge, to talk. (Don't forget to greenlist the domain SarahdeVries.nl in your email as soon as you hit send!) I'm looking forward to connecting with you.

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